Ashley's Super-Beauty Smoothie


Ashley is my partner-in-... Well, almost everything. She's been one of my best friends since I moved out to Oregon. And most days, I see her more than my husband! 

Since February, Ash officially works with me. AND SINCE FEBRUARY, my body has never ingested this many elixirs, powders and superfoods in my past 26 years COMBINED! But, I gotta say. I am kinda loving it.

Basically, I like to call Ashley "The Queen of Superfoods" for two reasons.
Part one, her hair automatically gets her in the running for Greek goddess. Those luscious locks flow like Aphrodite herself. 
Second, she knows about every hidden fruit, leaf, algae, root, fungus and superfood that you never knew existed. 

With that being said, I am going to let her take it from here. 


Hey guys, Ashley here!

I’m so excited to introduce you to my go-to smoothie recipe. If you’re anything like me, the mornings are typically fast-paced. Majority of the week, I begin my day with fasted cardio. This can be anything from hopping on a treadmill, hitting a spin class or doing a gym circuit with Elle.

Once my workout is done, it’s a mad dash to shower, prep food and get to work. One of my best skills is mastering how to eat healthy while always on the go. That’s why a smoothie is a perfect way to start my day. Smoothies are quick, tasty and jam packed with amazing body healing properties and a few of my favorite adaptogens. For those of you who aren’t as familiar with adaptogens/ superfoods, I always suggest doing a bit of research before using them. In this recipe, I use MACA ROOT, MSM and SPIRULINA.

MACA ROOT: I was introduced to maca by a naturopath about 5 years ago to help regulate my hormones. Maca is known to do wonders for women when it comes to estrogen regulation and fertility.

MSM: This powder is another daily addition to my smoothie because of its digestion properties. Also, MSM helps our bodies hold on to collagen (aka “prevent wrinkles”). Over the past few months, MSM has been very important to me. My body is really sensitive when it comes to digesting certain foods. So, MSM is a homeopathic way to aid it gut repair/ leaky gut.

SPIRULINA: Speaking of leaky gut, Spirulina is another amazing superfood that prevents microfloral imbalance in your gut. And, it adds great color to your smoothie!


ALMOND MILK VS. PEA MILK: Recently, I decided to change the base of my smoothies. In the past, almond milk was always my preferred liquid. BUT about a month ago, I found out about pea milk. Pea milk is packed with way more protein AND has a better carbon foot print. Not to mention, pea milk has a way more creamy consistency than almond. I find that almond milk can be very watery.

CHERRIES: Finally, let's talk about why I choose to put cherries in my smoothie instead of your blueberry, strawberry or other (more common) fruits. Cherries are INCREDIBLE at reducing inflammation specifically for your muscles and tissues post workout. Winner winner y’all. Honestly, do I need to say more?

I'm so excited for you to try out the recipe. Feel free to shoot us an e-mail with any comments or questions. We would love to hear what you think!


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